Always LOTS to be Grateful For
I’ve been reading a ton lately about gratitude. I’ve always been grateful for my life, but lately it seems that gratitude is popping up everywhere and the more I learn about it and the more I focus on it, the more grateful I become. ??
It’s such a simple thing, to be grateful, to say thanks, but it’s something that we often overlook.
Even if we have troubles in our life, we can always find something to be grateful for and usually we don’t have to try very hard!!
Tonight I am beaming as I think about the amazing ladies that surround me on this fitness journey and business venture that I started almost two years ago… my tribe ??
First, my challengers – the ladies who took a chance on themselves and decided to join my accountability group…. I’ve met so many incredible women from all over Canada ??, the US ?? and even the UK ??– all through my online groups. A new group started today and to see the enthusiasm and camaraderie in there is so amazing. To see women cheering on other women. It’s something that we totally need more of. One of the returning ladies said this morning “I love being a part of this tribe of incredible women that Zita created” and it hit me so hard how FREAKING AWESOME this experience has been. We ARE a tribe and I certainly can’t be the one to take credit for creating it. I brought us together, I am the common denominator, but every single one of them, each of them make up a specific part of that tribe. Each of them bring their own unique qualities that are pretty freaking amazing. ?? It’s a COMMUNITY of SUPPORT and helping one another and LAUGHS and keeping it real!!
And then there are my coaches – the ladies who had amazing transformations themselves and decided that they needed to pay it forward too. I’ve got two more coaches that “flew the coop” and started their own challenge groups this month and I couldn’t be more thrilled for them. And then there are my fellow coaches on the larger team that I am a part of – some incredible friends – and of course MY coach and mentor. We’re all in this business of trying to create a healthier, happier lifestyle for people and I couldn’t be more thrilled to be a part of something.
And so tonight, for that, for ALL of that, I am incredibly grateful. ??

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